For Women who want to reinvent their careers, find their Passion and Purpose, and step into a greater Impact in the World

"Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others".
- Buddha

Wednesday 3 February 2016

How to Live a Life you are Proud of

OK, so you have applied the Life Regret Test, and are making choices that won't be disappointing to your 90 year old self.

But what about the advanced version? The Rocking Chair Test? Is it enough to just not regret your life? I don't think so. I would like to thrive, to have a life that I am proud of when I look back at 90 from my rocking chair.

And have you bought into the story that you need to find your 'thing', so you can do that, and then you will be proud? If only you could just find that 'thing' then you know you will be OK at 90.

But maybe its not actually like that. Maybe, to be proud of your life at 90, you just need to do things that are aligned with your soul and values. You need to live with passion. Each choice in your life can be weighed against "does this feel good and right for me?" rather than "what is the special meaning of my life and how do I do that?".

Wouldn't that be so much easier? And what if it is true? Well, then, let's get started! There's no 'thing' to search for, each choice is a 'do' or 'don't do' and you can do it right now.  Like, RIGHT NOW. No waiting to find your purpose, but your purpose is here. And it is to live with passion and choice and soul.

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