For Women who want to reinvent their careers, find their Passion and Purpose, and step into a greater Impact in the World

"Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others".
- Buddha

Tuesday 22 March 2016

4 Critical Keys to Finding Your Passion

How do you find your Passion? 

Do you even have a passion? How do you find that one thing that will make all the difference to your life, make everything easy, and oh, make you a million dollars?

Well, I have said before that maybe we don't have One Thing that is our destiny. But what say we had some things that we just love to do? What say we have things that are as natural as breathing to us. And the trick with these things is that they are as natural to us as breathing, so we just don't notice them. Who actually notices breathing? Only people who can't do it well and have a problem, the rest of us do it on auto pilot.

I remember my talented sister when she was young, she can draw amazingly. Its just a thing she does. Not something that rates as extraordinary to her. A bit like people who can sing. Is it a valued thing? Well, probably not so much, its just what happens, right? But for the rest of us who can't draw / sing this seems like an incredible super power. The same with your passions. They're the things we do when we are doing 'stuff' and not noticing. So, how do we bring them to light, so we can see the things that are easy and natural and truly 'us'?

One way to start is to look at our lives and find the common themes. Start with this list and fill in some of these areas, and see if you can see the things that are hiding in plain sight.

4 Key Areas to Find your Passion

1. Look at your past

- Where have you been successful already? What areas of your life are good? It might be study, or your home, or relationships, or your fitness, or that excellent sport you play, or the cross stitch you can't wait to get home to and do. List them out.
- Why were you successful in these areas? What did you do to make them a success?
- Remember what you chose to do as a child when you had free time.
- What experience and life skills have you acquired?

2. Who are you?

- What are your unique attributes? Are you logical? Inquisitive? Caring?
- What are your values?
- What are your skills and talents?
- Complete this sentence "I am someone who..." and this one "I am a ....person".
- What do you believe?

3. What are you interested and drawn to?

- What do you love to do?
- What do you spend your time on?
- What do you spend your free time on?
- What are you doing when time flies?
- What are you doing when you feel most beautiful?
- What do you look forward to doing after work?

4. What would you like?

- What would be ideal in your life?
- If you could do anything for a job, what would it be?
- What is your dream?
- What would an ideal world be like?

I'll break these down a bit more in posts to follow.

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