For Women who want to reinvent their careers, find their Passion and Purpose, and step into a greater Impact in the World

"Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others".
- Buddha

Sunday 3 April 2016

How to Find Your Passion - Your Experience

How do you find your passion - part 3

So by now you have a list of your successes, check here if you haven't. And a list of what you chose to do as a child in your free time (check here).

The third area to add to this looking-backwards is 'What experience do you have?'

Finding your passion doesn't have to be into some unknown territory that you have not been before - that wildly exciting but terrifying leap into the unknown. Chances are, you already have been doing things naturally, that are part of your passions. The trick is to find those things that are natural and easy for you. And this step is about looking at your experience.

What is your experience?

We're thinking here about things that might appear on a CV for a job - after all, you are looking for your passions for your job of life.

What things do you know how to do? What things have you learnt along the way? What things have you done over the years? What have you spent a lot of time on?

This will likely be for any jobs you have had, after all that is where we usually spend the most time. So some of these items will look like a CV for a job application. Put them all down, even if you don't want to do that job again, or stay in the same field of work. The aim here is to find what you already are good at.

Also include things that you do out-of-hours - do you belong to a group of some sort? What is your role in that group? What have you been doing in that group? Maybe you do the books for a club, or help out at a volunteer charity doing sausage sizzles, or coach your kid's sports team.

5 steps to quickly find your passion right now

What to do now

Now fill in your list:

1. What things have you already been doing in a job?

2. What training have you received?

3. What would you highlight on a CV, if you were writing one?

4. What experience has your job history given you?

5. What out-of-work experience have you had?

To help you fill this out, use this free form (no email signup required)



Again, any common themes?

Can you group things into types of experience?

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